How to Craft an Office Relocation Announcement (w/ Samples)

When it comes to office relocation announcements, there are a few key things to remember. First and foremost, you want to make sure that the announcement is clear and concise. You don’t want to overload employees or clients with too much information at once. Secondly, you want to be sure that the announcement is formatted in a way that is easy to read and understand. Finally, you’ll need to think about how you will disseminate the information. There are several ways to do this, and we’ll be exploring just some of your options in this blog post!

Young happy businessman and a business woman with boxes for moving into a new office. Studio shot, isolated on a white background

What is an Office Relocation Announcement?

An office relocation announcement is an important step for any business undergoing a move. It serves as an official communication to current customers, clients, vendors, and employees that the business has moved (or is planning to move) to a new location. Crafting an office relocation announcement also helps create visibility for the business among potential clients or customers in the vicinity of the new location.

It’s important to provide internal stakeholders with ample notice of your office move, as employees will often require time to plan their new commutes. By taking the time to draft a professional office relocation announcement, businesses can communicate their move effectively and enjoy a smooth transition into their new surroundings.

What to Include in an Office Relocation Announcement

When moving office, it is critical to properly draft an effective office relocation announcement that answers a wide range of questions. Ideally, you will want to present all relevant stakeholders with as much information as possible in a clear and concise manner.

Some core things to include in an office relocation announcement are:

In addition, it’s extremely useful to designate a point of contact responsible for answering any and all questions related to the move. This is a great way to minimise disruption and keep everyone updated on changes or developments associated with the move. Finally, if possible, a map providing clear directions from the old office to the new office location is a great way to help people find their way around more easily – particularly in the early stages of the transition.

By ensuring your announcement includes all the relevant details, you will be positioning your business for a stress-free and successful office relocation process.

Moving boxes and furniture in new office

How to Format an Office Relocation Announcement

It can be difficult to know where to start when writing an office relocation announcement. A lot of businesses struggle to properly communicate all relevant information concisely, instead unintentionally muddying the waters by not properly formatting their announcement.

Meeting with internal stakeholders is always a good way to announce an office move, however, these announcements should always be accompanied by an email or letter outlining the particulars and answering the most anticipated questions.

Here are some quick and easy tips on how to format an effective written office relocation announcement:

  1. Begin with a short statement outlining the reasons for the move. This will help to set the tone and ensure that everyone is on the same page.
  2. Include all relevant details about the new location, including the address, associated phone number, parking situation, nearby transport links, and local amenities. Try to use concise language, making proper use of bold text to highlight important information.
  3. If possible, include visual aids to provide stakeholders with an idea of what the new office looks and feels like. It’s also highly advisable to attach a map or clear directions too, something which can go a long way towards easing any potential anxieties about the move.
  4. Be sure to thank employees, clients/ customers, business partners, and other core stakeholders for their continued support.
  5. Provide a point of contact for any questions or concerns.
  6. Finally, end on a positive note, such as a short comment about how you’re looking forward to future success in the new location.

It’s important to note that the format of the office relocation announcement will differ dramatically depending on the intended target audience. For example, customers or clients likely won’t care to know about new features of the office that only apply to employees, whilst employees likely won’t care to know about expanded visitor parking.

Office Relocation Announcement Samples

Office Relocation Letter to Employees

Hello everyone,

As many of you may have already heard, [business name] will be relocating to a new office space on [date]. This is an important milestone in the evolution of the business and a notable change for all of you, making it vital for us to provide you with plenty of notice.

After much deliberation, we ultimately decided to move to this new space to provide the business with room to grow. As you all know, we are rapidly expanding and experimenting with different working models across our various teams. We believe that this new office will allow us to maintain our strong workplace, whilst also being more conducive to the hybrid work schedules that many of you have adopted in recent times.

The new office at [#location] comes with lots of open-plan workspace, blazing fast Wi-Fi, excellent new amenities (such as an on-site coffee bar), and even a rooftop social space. In terms of location, this new office is located close to [transport link] and will have [X] number of parking bays reserved for staff. This new location also means better access for our clients, something which we believe will improve business and boost our brand heading into the future.

Please reach out to [name] with any questions, as they have been assigned as the chief point of contact and move coordinator. [Name] will be in touch as we get closer to the moving date to provide you with guidance on what to pack personally and what will be taken by movers. They will also be reaching out with full instructions on how to reach the new location and how to gain access to the building. You can reach [name] at [email address] or [phone number].

It should also be noted that, whilst the moving date is currently set for [date], we do expect potential delays which could result in a short period of downtime. [Name] will be in touch with you every step of the way to provide updates as the timeline for the move evolves.

We have also created a brief video to provide more comprehensive details about the new office space and answer some of the most pressing questions. You can find the video at [link].

We’re really looking forward to settling into this new space and can’t wait for you all to see it!

Many thanks,

Office Relocation Letter to Customers/Clients

To our Valued Clients,

We are excited to announce that our office will be relocating to a new location on [date]. This new and improved workspace will be located at [address] making us just a few short steps away from [relevant transport link or landmark].

We would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you. Your trust and support over the years has allowed us to expand beyond our current office space and into a truly exciting and inspiring workspace for the future. As a result of the move, we are anticipating [relevant downtime]. Extensive planning has gone into this relocation effort to ensure that we’re still able to deliver the best possible service to all clients throughout this period of transition.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to [name] at [email] or [phone number]. We have also made a short video highlighting the new space and providing clear directions, you can find it at [link].

Once again, thank you for your continued support, we look forward to seeing you at our new office.

Office Relocation Letter to Suppliers

Dear [supplier name],

We are excited to announce that [business] will be relocating on [date]. Our business has grown from strength to strength in recent times, making it essential for us to expand in order to hire more employees and increase our storage capacities.

Our new address is [address].

You will be able to reach us via phone and email at [number] and [email] respectively.

Whilst still some weeks away, we thought it would be wise to inform you of our move to provide you with enough time to change our address in your system. [Name] will be leading the relocation efforts, please don’t hesitate to reach out to them with any questions that you might have at [number] or [email].

We would appreciate it if you acknowledge or confirm receipt of this email. Thank you for your support.

colleagues sitting around a meeting desk discussing an office move

The Best Ways to Disseminate Office Relocation Announcements

One of the most important aspects of successfully relocating an office is ensuring that all employees, customers, clients, and suppliers are properly notified of the move. There are a few different ways to disseminate this information, and the best approach will often vary depending on the size and type of business in question. For example, a small company may opt to simply send out an office moving announcement email followed by an informal Q&A. On the other hand, a larger organisation may choose to hold a meeting or webinar with the entire office to provide more comprehensive details about the relocation, before handing questions off to a relevant Senior Manager. No matter what method is used, it is important to be clear and concise to minimise any confusion or disruptions.

It’s always advisable to include images or virtual walkthroughs of the new office space when presenting it to your employees. Talking about your great new location and the bevvy of amenities it provides is one thing, but actually showing the benefits to your stakeholders is something different entirely. This can be done in a face-to-face meeting or in a video sent to all relevant parties.

Finally, when the time is right, it’s vital to include all relocation details on your company website. By taking the time to properly plan and execute an office relocation announcement across the appropriate channels, businesses can help ensure a smooth transition for all involved.

board meeting with 4 colleagues discussing a pending office move

Extra Tips for Office Relocation Announcements

An office relocation announcement is your chance to set the tone for the move and show your employees that you’ve thought through their concerns. Here are a few things extra things to keep in mind when drafting your office relocation announcement:

Be Transparent

Your employees have a right to know what’s going on, so be as transparent as possible. Don’t try to sugarcoat negative aspects of the move or hide information. If you don’t have all the answers straight away, let them know as much as you can and provide them with a point of contact for future updates. It’s also important to prepare for things to change along the way. If and when plans evolve, be sure to update your employees as soon as possible.

Take Their Feelings into Consideration

Your employees are undoubtedly going to experience a lot of upheaval due to the change, so it’s important to take their feelings into consideration. They may be anxious about the move or worried about what it will mean for their job. Try to answer any questions they have and be understanding if they need time to adjust. Some employees may need to adopt new work schedules, particularly if the change in location results in a lengthy commute or significant alteration to the routine they’ve established with children or other dependants.

Leave Room for Discussion

Your office relocation announcement is not the time for ultimatums. Leave room for discussion, and let your employees know that they can come to you with any concerns they have. This is their company, too, and you want them to feel like they have a voice in what’s happening. Be firm with non-negotiable aspects of the move, such as the location, whilst also being mindful of their suggestions when it comes to perks and amenities. No office relocation plan should be set in stone, expect radical change based on stakeholder feedback.

Be Positive

This is a new chapter for your company and there are a lot of exciting things ahead. Be positive in your office relocation announcement and let your employees know that you see this as an opportunity for growth. Meet with employees face-to-face and demonstrate your excitement for the brighter future that your new facility will bring. This can be hard to do if you’re downsizing for financial reasons, however, it’s important to clearly communicate why the relocation will provide long-term benefit to the business. For example, relocating to a smaller serviced office in the beating heart of a major city can be an exciting step for a business looking to grow their profile.

Looking to Find Your Next Office Space?

Now that you know how to craft the perfect office relocation announcement, feel free to explore our wide range of serviced offices and coworking spaces located across London. Our office space experts will be able to connect you and your business to the ideal workspace to suit your unique requirements. Alternatively, you can call us on 020 3965 9617 to have a discussion with one of our friendly team members.

You can also find a number of articles outlining the London market below, including: