Pursuant to section 741.30(6)(a)5, Florida Statutes, when the court orders the respondent to participate in a batterers’ intervention program, the court, or any entity designated by the court, must provide the respondent with a list of batterers’ intervention programs from which the respondent must choose a program in which to participate.
Section 741.325, Florida Statutes, establishes the requirements batterers’ intervention programs must meet in order to be included on the circuit court’s list of batterers’ intervention programs.
In order to be included on the Ninth Judicial Circuit’s registry of batterers’ intervention programs, such program must provide to BIP PROVIDER LIST c/o Court Administration, Orange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2130, Orlando, Florida 32801 the following:
Fee schedule, including sliding scale or reduced fee options;
Locations where programs are offered;
The program model, and if it is other than the Duluth Model, proof that the model is accepted by the domestic violence prevention community as an effective model and complies with the requirements of section 741.325(1), Florida Statutes.
The Ninth Judicial Circuit has established an administrative process for review, approval, certification, renewal and regulation of program providers meeting the necessary requirements to be certified as a batterers’ intervention program provider as provided by the Florida Statutes and Administrative Order 2018-06.
Only those providers who have submitted an application and been approved are considered acceptable providers for the Ninth Judicial Circuit. If you have been court ordered to attend a Batterers’ Intervention Program please click List of Approved BIP providers for the Ninth Judicial Circuit.
If you would like to be considered as a Certified BIP provider, submit an application to be considered for addition to the Ninth Judicial Circuit Registry of Certified Batterer’s Intervention Program Providers.