National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)

NPDES Applications and Forms


Below are various application forms that are applicable to a number of NPDES program areas.

Note: You need Adobe Acrobat Reader 7.0 or 8.0 in order to open these files. Even though these publications are PDF files, these documents allow you to type directly onto the form and save the PDFs with the form fields populated. You should enter your facility information on the form, print it, sign it, and mail the form to the address stated in the instructions.


Construction General Permit (CGP) Corrective Action Report Form (October 15, 2012) -- The corrective action report form is designed to assist operators in preparing corrective action reports that meet the minimum reporting requirements in Part 5.4 of the CGP.

CGP Inspection Report Templates (October 16, 2012) -- The inspection report template is designed to assist operators in preparing inspection reports that meet the minimum reporting requirements in Part 4.1.7 of the CGP.

eVessels Batch Upload Template (January 1, 2012) -- EPA's one time report electronic system has a batch submission process. Users can upload and submit up to 500 reports at one time and up to 1,000 reports can be certified at one time. This function may save time for those users who have numerous vessels and who already have much of the data needed gathered in existing databases.

Low Erosivity Waiver Certification for Stormwater Discharges Associated with Construction Activity (March 19, 2012) -- Small construction sites can apply for a waiver from the stormwater permit requirements if the construction site has a low predicted rainfall potential where the rainfall erosivity factor (R Factor) is less than five during the period of construction activity. The rainfall erosivity factor waiver uses this factor to determine whether the potential for polluted discharge is low enough to justify a waiver from permit requirements. This waiver is time sensitive and is dependent on when during the year a construction activity takes place, how long it lasts, and the expected rainfall and intensity during that time.

MSGP Industrial Discharge Monitoring Report (MDMR) Form (March 16, 2009) -- Permittees unable to access the eNOI reporting system can use this paper form to submit analytical monitoring results to EPA. You may also use this paper form as a checklist for the information you will need when submitting a MDMR electronically via EPA’s eNOI system.

Nebraska Nutrient Management Recordkeeping Calendar (September 19, 2011) -- EPA is providing this recordkeeping calendar from the University of Nebraska Extension as an example of a format for maintaining nutrient management planning records. EPA thanks Nebraska Extension, Leslie Johnson, and Purdue University for permission to include this calendar on EPA's AFO website. Many state extension services offer comparable recordkeeping aides.

Notice of Intent (NOI) for Stormwater Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity Under the Multi-Sector NPDES General Permit
(September 29, 2008) -- Submission of a NOI constitutes notice that the entity intends to be authorized to discharge pollutants to waters of the United States under EPA's Stormwater Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP).

Notice of Termination (NOT) of Coverage under NPDES General Permit for Stormwater Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity (September 29, 2008) -- NOT form to discontinue coverage under an NPDES general permit for stormwater discharges associated with industrial activity.

NPDES Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) Form -- Form used by NPDES stormwater permittees to submit analytical monitoring results to the appropriate NPDES permitting authority.

NPDES Form 3510-11: No Exposure Certification for Exclusion from NPDES Stormwater Permitting -- Submission of this form is a requirement for facilities regulated by EPA who do not have any exposure of their industrial activity to stormwater.

One Time Report for the Vessel General Permit -- Permittees unable to access the one time report electronic system can use this paper form to submit their reports to EPA. You may also use this paper form as a checklist for the information you will need when submitting a one time report electronically.

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Template (40 pp, 497 K) (March 14, 2012) -- The SWPPP template is designed to help construction operators develop a SWPPP that is compliant with the minimum requirements of EPA’s 2012 CGP.

Suggested Format for Annual Report for Stormwater Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity (August 14, 2009) -- Permittees are required to submit to EPA annual reports summarizing their annual comprehensive site inspection and corrective actions taken during the year for the MSGP. EPA has developed this annual reporting form, which can be used by permittees to submit this information to EPA.

Suggested Format to Submit a Notice of Intent (NOI) Modification for Stormwater Discharges Associated with Construction Activity (March 19, 2012) -- Suggested format to submit modifications to your NOI for the CGP where EPA is the NPDES permitting authority.

Suggested Format to Submit a Notice of Intent (NOI) Modification for Stormwater Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity (December 18, 2008) -- Suggested format to submit modifications to your NOI for the MSGP where EPA is the NPDES permitting authority.

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