A CommBank Personal Loan can help you move forward when you need to buy a car, consolidate your debt, improve your home, go on a holiday, get married and much more. Before you consider a Personal Loan, ensure this is the right product for your situation. Also, check out our tips for increasing the likelihood of getting your Personal Loan approved, and whether you meet our eligibility criteria before you start. Applying online for a CommBank Personal Loan can be quick and easy if you have some documents on hand before starting the application, as well as preparing other documents for verification if your application is approved. This page is a helpful guide to assist you with this process. You may not need to provide all the documents listed in this guide; only those that fit your individual situation and whenever it is required for us to verify your personal, financial or security (for Secured Personal Loans only) details.
How much proof of ID you need to prepare will depend on whether you’re a new or existing CommBank customer.
If you don’t have any of the ID options above, you can visit your local branch with any two of the following:
Studying, graduate and research visas
Temporary business visas
Family & spousal visas
All other visa types
For eligible visa holders
If your application is approved and your salary is not paid into a CommBank account, we may need you to provide proof of your income. Please have the following documents ready on hand, depending on your individual employment situation outlined below. Note: all documents must always clearly show your full name, along with any additional requirements listed below.
2. Bank statement or transaction listing clearly showing three months' worth of salary credits. Depending on your pay cycle, your most recent salary credit must be within the following timeframe:
3. Employment letter or employment contract and PAYG payment summary, tax return OR tax assessment notice
4. If you’ve started a new job in the past two months, please provide us with both of the following:
2. Bank statement or transaction listing clearly showing three months' worth of salary credits. Depending on your pay cycle, your most recent pay must be within the following timeframe:
3. PAYG payment summary, tax return OR tax assessment notice AND payslip
4. Employment letter OR employment contract AND PAYG payment summary, tax return OR tax assessment notice
5. If you’ve started a new job in the past three months, please provide us with both of the following:
Please provide us with one of the following:
If your rental property is new within the past three months, please provide us with both of the following: